Phase one online survey

The five survey winners were Aaron (Victoria), Joseph (Tasmania), Peter (ACT), Pip (NSW) and Hamish (NSW)


The survey has been approved by the University of Wollongong Human Research Ethics Committee (Reference number 2021/431). If you have any concerns about the ethical conduct of this research, contact the Ethics Complaint Officer at the University of Wollongong.

Participating IN the survey

You are invited to participate in the online survey and provide information on your experiences, thoughts and perceptions of the recreation activities that you are undertaking in the Kosciuszko-Snowy Monaro region of south east NSW.

The survey is for residents and tourists who are undertaking nature-based outdoor recreation and leisure pursuits in the natural and semi-natural settings of the Local Government Areas of Snowy Monaro Shire Council and Snowy Valleys Shire Council as well as Kosciuszko National Park (KNP). This area is known as the ‘Snowy Mountains’. 

The survey should take 20 minutes to complete. It can be done at a time of your choosing.

You will be asked questions relating to the recreation activities that you participate in, the frequency and where you participate, your past experience, the groups that you do activities with, and the equipment that you need for your activity. The survey will also ask you about your thoughts and perceptions about biosecurity including how this might relate to your recreation activity.

Examples of questions include:

  • Where in the Snowy Mountains do you usually go when you do [selected choice recreation activity]?

  • Approximately, how many years have you participated in this recreation activity in the Snowy Mountains region? Select a number.

  • Thinking about when you were unpacking after your most recent activity, did you check, wash or clean your recreation equipment before storing?

At the start of the survey, you will be asked a question on whether you agree to participate in the survey. If you agree to participate and you are at least 18 years of age you will need to click YES to continue the survey. If you decide to not participate you will need to click No and the survey will end.

Your Involvement is voluntary

Other than the time commitment of 20 minutes to complete the survey, we do not foresee any risks or burdens for you. Your involvement in the survey is voluntary. If you do not complete the survey, your data will not be kept.

Once you have completed the survey you will not be able to withdraw your responses because they are anonymous. Declining this invitation to participate in the survey will not adversely affect your relationship with the researchers, the University of Wollongong, Kosciuszko National Park management or the partner LGA organisations in any way.

Survey data will be saved on a securely stored password-protected share drive for up to 10 years at the University of Wollongong. Only members of the research team will have access to these materials. The de-identified data may also be kept and used by the University of Wollongong for future research on this topic. Such future research may involve sharing of the data with other investigators who are not named above and will only proceed with ethics approval. No personal information will be included in any outputs.

Your chance to win one of 5 $100 gift cards

By completing the survey, you can enter a draw to win one of 5 $100 Gift Cards. The draw is open to people who complete the survey and provide their contact details. Survey closed 31 May 2022 and five lucky winners have been notified by email 17 June 2022.

Recreation and biosecurity

The survey is part of a University of Wollongong PhD research project exploring biosecurity and recreation-tourism in the Kosciuszko-Snowy Monaro region. The aim of the project is to understand how residents and tourists carry out, think about and develop skills in biosecurity practices across different landscapes and for different activities.

Do you want to know more about biosecurity and recreation, check out these Australian and NSW government links for information on

  • Biosecurity and recreational fishing, bushwalking and boating: https://www.awe.gov.au/biosecurity-trade/policy/biosecurity-matters

  • NSW biosecurity and the environment: https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/topics/animals-and-plants/pest-animals-and-weeds


The research is being undertaken by Jen Smart, PhD student with the University of Wollongong, School of Geography and Sustainable Communities. The research project is being supervised by Dr Nicholas Gill, Dr Leonie Miller, Dr Sonia Grahams, and Dr Isabelle Wolf. If you would like further information about the research project, contact Jen Smart at jms384@uowmail.edu.au or Dr Gill at ngill@uow.edu.au.